Photo by Savvas Stavrinos on Pexels.com A small, five letter word that carries more weight than almost anything else in our lives. A huge component of good leadership is building trust. Most of the time, the focus of the conversation is about building trust within a team, with colleagues, etc. Rarely, does that conversation shiftContinueContinue reading “T-R-U-S-T”

The Best Is Yet to Come

2019 has been quite the year. When I last posted in March, I was sitting in a hospital room, taking care of my father. He was on bed rest after minor complications from surgery.  I literally stayed with him at the hospital between 22-24 hours each day for a week. That wonderful Spring Forward nonsenseContinueContinue reading “The Best Is Yet to Come”

Spring Forward during Spring Break?!?!

Warning: This post really isn’t as much about leadership as it is about me ranting.  But if you stay with me, I promise you’ll at least be entertained. Once again, during Spring Break I will be required by the archaic powers that be to set my clock forward one (1) hour for Daylight Savings Time.ContinueContinue reading “Spring Forward during Spring Break?!?!”